Left in the Dark By Termites: How Termites Can Cause Electrical Problems

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Buying and Selling Houses The real estate market can be really tricky to navigate. Not only do you need to find the perfect property, but you also have to negotiate a price so you can complete the deal. If you decided to sell your home, this opens up a whole other world of complexity. Thankfully, there are experts who work in real estate who are happy to guide you through the process. My agent was amazing. He helped me to sell my old home and to also find and purchase a new property for a great price. Read the articles below to find out more!



Has your home been experiencing mysterious blackouts and flickering lights recently? Are you struggling to locate the source of these strange occurrences? Then you may need to call in the pest control professionals, but not until you have had an electrician take a good look at the situation first.

Termites could be to blame for your electrical woes. Although termites only eat wood, or more specifically, the cellulose contained in wood, they can damage a building's electrical wiring in several ways, causing blackouts and putting you and your family at risk.

Termites Fill Electrical Sockets With Mud

Once termites manage to find a way into the space behind your walls, if there is sufficient moisture, humidity and wood available, they will build a satellite colony. A male and female termite could even establish a full-on colony inside a wall of your home. When this happens, your electrical wiring is at risk of damage.

Termites use their excrement, which has a consistency similar to that of mud and is wet when fresh, to build their nest and the tunnels within it. When they come into contact with an electrical socket, they may fill it with mud in an effort to protect their nest from other insects, such as ants. Because it is moist, anyone using the socket could receive a nasty shock when they go to plug something in or turn on a light switch.

Termites Chew Through Wires and Cables

As they traverse the cavity behind your wall, the invading termites may also chew through any wiring that gets in their way. Obviously, this could put you in danger as there is a risk that damaged wiring might cause an electrical short, which could then lead to a fire. This could lead to a very serious situation if the electrical short occurs out of the blue or while you are sleeping.

Termites Dislodge Wiring

As well as chew through electrical wires and cables, termites may also dislodge them as they chew their way through your wall cavity. If this happens, you may begin to notice problems with your home's electrical lighting and heating systems. For instance, your lights may flicker, and your water heater may stop heating your water.

If you suspect that termites are to blame for any recent electrical problems in your home, make sure you hire both an electrician and a termite control professional. Together, they can ensure that you and your family don't fall foul of electrical faults caused by invading termites.

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